Stephanie Matto Made $200K Farting in Jars. Now Guess What She’s Selling

You have to admit it, 90 Day Fiance star Stephanie Matto knows how to make a buck! First she made waves by selling her farts in jars to her fans. She was selling them for $1000 a jar before her entrepreneur endeavor caused her to end up in the ER.

To keep up with demand for her farts she put herself on a a high fiber diet that caused her to have severe gas pain. She was eating beans like crazy and drinking protein shakes and the gas pain made her think she was having a heart attack.

Retiring from selling farts in jars she is now selling her “boob sweat” in jars for $500 a pop.



She said “”All you need is bottles, sun, cha-chas, and sit out like a maple tree for hours!”  She then bottles up the sweat in tiny vials and sells them.  She is certainly creative!

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Yes, sure she is creative! Already the idea to sell Fart in Jars is absolute genious and also the perfect strategy to earn a lot of money!


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