How To Stop Farting

Is it possible to never fart?  The short answer is no.  However there are things you can do to reduce your excessive gassiness if you are concerned.


Stop drinking carbonated beverages


What goes in must come out and all those bubbles have to go somewhere.

Reduce your sugar intake

reduce sugar

If you want to reduce the gas you produce cut down on the amount of sugar you are eating.  This includes fructose, lactose, and sorbitol.

Manage your stress

When you get stressed out your stomach can produce too much acid which can lead to gas.  Learn to relax.

4. Get Regular

If you are constipated you may over produce gas.  Treat the constipation and this should help.

5. Exercise More


Exercise is another way to hep reduce flatulence. When you exercise you are helping your digestion which cnan help reduce the gas your body produces.  Research has shown that that regular physical activity plays an important role in avoiding constipation.


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