Hottest Female Star Wars Characters


At FartHub we love Star Wars. So we’ve decided to rank the hottest female Star Wars characters in the ever expanding Star Wars universe.  We enjoyed Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker and are already impatiently waiting for the next season of The Mandalorian. So without further adieu here is our list of the hottest female characters in our favorite far away galaxy from a long time ago.

11. Zorii Bliss


She may have had a minor role in Episode 9 but her skin tight outfit was a highlight of the film!

10. Jyn Erso


Jyn Erso is definitely a hot character in the Star Wars universe.  She was easy on the eyes in her starring role in Rouge One and plays a pivotal role in the Rebel Alliance.  In our opinion Rouge One is one of the best Star Wars films since the Disney acquisition.

9. Jannah


We like em’ thick and Jannah from The Rise of Skywalker is thick in all the right places.  Just look at those thighs.

8. Fennec Shand


Fennec Shand is a deadly assassin in The Mandalorian.  She is beautiful and deadly and a nice addition to the expanding Star Wars universe.  Hopefully we will see more of her in future episodes.

7. Asajj Ventress


Asajj Ventress has played a major role in The Clone Wars and we fell in love with this character the first time we saw her wield 2 lightsabers.

6. Mara Jade


Mara Jade may no longer be canon but she played a pivotal role in the Expanded Universe as the Emperor’s Hand and later as the wife of Luke Skywalker.

5. Rey


Rey is one of our favorite characters from the new sequel trilogy.  Her Jedi training is keeping her body in tip top condition!

4. Xi’an


Xi’an is the hottest Twi’lek I’ve ever seen.  Wow!  She is definitely the highlight of Episode 6 of The Mandelorian for me!

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Her wink gets me every time!

3. Padme Amidala


Padme is one of the hottest women ever in the Star Wars universe.  She is fearless and not to be trifled with.  She was the Queen of Naboo as well as a Senator and to top it off she is the mother of Luke and Leia.


Also actress Natalie Portman who plays Padme easily makes our list of most wanted female farting celebrities!

2. Cara Dune


Featured on The Mandalorian, Cara Dune is a warrior veteran of the Galactic Civil War.  She is now a mercenary and is tough and sexy and know how to handle a weapon!

1. Princess Leia


What else can be said about Princess Leia?  She is number one on our list by default.  Here she is in her iconic bikini from Return of the Jedi!

Agree with our list?  Who did we miss?  Comment below.

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Queen Amidala is always number one in my book. I demand a recount!!!!


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