Couples that Fart Together Stay Together

couple farting

Farting is natural but when you first start dating someone you spend the majority of your time trying to hide any sign that you are a human. Fart happen to the best of us and I know all about this first hand.  When I was dating this girl several years ago I would hold in all my gas.  If I spent the night by the time I got to my car in the morning and started driving off it was like a fart atomic bomb going off as I released the pressure from the night before.

Farts are inevitable in any close relationship and the big question is when is it acceptable to let loose and still have the other person find you attractive?  A recent survey showed that 51% of people fart in front of the person they are dating by the time they hit the 6 month mark.  22% did it after just a few weeks.

fart survey

Farting can play a critical role in establishing true intimacy.  It can show your partner that you are truly comfortable with them.  I remember when my girlfriend at the time farted in front of me.  We were laying in bed and she just announced that she was going to fart and proceeded to rip one of the loudest farts I have ever heard!

I had passed gas in front of her several times before this but this was a milestone in our relationship!  We laughed pretty hard together as we got ready for class.

I remember another time shortly after this when she was walking around her apartment in her panties and I was admiring her butt as she walked around.  The next thing I know I heard a PHHHHTHP as she farted loudly as she walked by.   This was the sexiest fart ever!  Ha ha!

Robert Huizenga, a clinical therapist, gives some insight.

“Farting in front of your significant other means you feel free to move beyond your roles,” Huizenga wrote on his marriage blog. “You may even find yourselves discussing family roles and expectations that you bring to each other. You need not carry the burden of continually being prim and proper.”

According to author of family psychology Leah DeCesare, “Farting in front of your husband is a way of demonstrating your closeness and your intimate connection. Besides, farts are just plain funny. Couples who fart together, laugh together, and if you can laugh together, you’ve got the stuff of a great relationship.”

Acknowledging a natural bodily function is part of life.    It is important to realize that true lasting relationships can’t be based on hidinding something or making someone feel uncomfortable.

From my own personal experience I was literally “blown away” when my girlfriend farted in front of me.  I couldn’t believe that someone as beautiful and sexy as her was confident and comfortable enough to fart so loudly in my presence.  Heck on her best day she could out fart the best of them!

Just think about it for a second.  If you can’t fart around someone should you be with them?


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Me and my boyfriend don’t hide our farts. I say you have to be comfortable with the ones you love.


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